Tag Archives: shopping

Are carrots natural? June 07

What is a real carrot?

What is a real carrot? About a week ago, I was speaking to a mum and the topic of shopping in supermarkets came up. It was a wide-ranging conversation and the benefits and concerns she expressed about shopping were similar to what other mums have talked about. In summary, supermarkets are convenient, good value and […]

May 22

Why does red flag sex? [Seeing Red: Part 2]

Why does red flag sex? Red is also a sensual colour. There have been studies that link the colour red to the perceived attractiveness of partners. When men or women wear red, they appear more attractive to their partners.  While some connotations of red are socio-cultural, we find many shades of red in the animal world, from […]

May 22

What is our appetite for the colour Red? [ Seeing Red: Part 1]

“I love bright red drinks, don’t you? They taste twice as good as any other color.” ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables   What is our appetite for the colour Red?    From an evolutionary perspective, the colour red is believed to excite and engage our eyes because it was a beneficial evolutionary-adaptation for a […]