Tag Archives: diet

eating yourself - semiotics of food identity October 19

Eating yourself: We consume identity through food?

Food is central to the evolution of man and culture. Eating food performs a base nutritional function; it is its symbolic role in either supporting or differentiating individual, social and cultural identity that is more influential. We consume our identities through our food and drink choices. The changing nature of modern society is resulting to differences in what food communicates and how we use it to develop and express our identities.

Are carrots natural? June 07

What is a real carrot?

What is a real carrot? About a week ago, I was speaking to a mum and the topic of shopping in supermarkets came up. It was a wide-ranging conversation and the benefits and concerns she expressed about shopping were similar to what other mums have talked about. In summary, supermarkets are convenient, good value and […]